Share and share alike

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How do I build a downline?

Share and share alike

Think about why you signed up with the company you're with. How did you find out about it? Typically we find out about great things from:
*friends who recommend them to us (a good movie, a new restaurant)
*a testimonial from a third party (the NY Times said this book is a "must read")
*we come across it and decide to try it out (a brand new product on a store shelf)

Have you come to expect to find great things from these methods? do you trust your friends' recommendations? Do you trust the "experts" in the field? Are you willing to try something "new and exciting"?
This is no different than sharing your business opportunity with others. If what you're doing is so great, then why not share it? No, it may not be for everybody...but then again, neither is that new Mongolian restaurant that your best friend just told you about!

If you find something great, share it with everybody. Someone will thank you for it some day!



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