Can you hear no?

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How do I deal with being told no?

Can you hear no?

The business of Network Marketing is about sharing the right product with the right person at the right time. Be prepared to hear "no" many, many times. This does not mean you're a failure.

When you offer someone a snack or something to drink at your home and they say "no", do you get upset and run crying from the room and mope the rest of the day? Of course not! The person most likely wasn't saying no to you, just to whatever you offered. Maybe they had just eaten. Maybe they are allergic to what you offered. The same goes for Network Marketing. Timing is everything. No doesn't always mean no forever. It often means:
"No, not right now." or "No, not that one, but maybe a different one."

Stay persistant and stay focused. Always remember, "Some will. Some won't. So what? Who's next?"



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